10 things you don’t know about Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

All of you may have heard about digital marketing, it can be simply put as the marketing done via digital devices. Most of the businesses are adopting digital marketing post-pandemic.

Digital marketing in itself is a vast field and it’s fast-evolving, with frequent algorithm changes and with a new tool now and then, Digital marketers are always on their toes, trying and testing the best ways to derive the most from their marketing efforts. In my experience here are few things that I learned and would like to share with you.

  • With Digital Marketing sky is the limit 

With Digital Marketing sky is the limit

We all know the means of traditional marketing like – Print media, Radio ads, telemarketing, etc., they have their advantages of their own, but with the introduction of digital marketing, businesses have the advantage to target a larger audience.

Many companies now execute on a global level, wherein the traditional marketing tools may not prove to be effective. Digital marketing helps you to reach an audience that lives thousands of miles away. With a good website and a well-defined strategy, a business can reach people worldwide.

  • Digital marketing is cheaper than traditional marketing 

Digital marketing is cheaper than traditional marketing 

Print ads or TV commercials often cost a fortune and there is now a way to gauge the response and the reach of it. Moreover, it often lacks target specification, hence sometimes the ROI is not that great.

A traditional marketing tool may cost you millions but in few thousand a target-specific and the measurable digital tool will give you better returns. A business or its marketer should always evaluate the best tool to market. A good mix of traditional and digital has proven to be beneficial for most businesses.

  • Customer-first strategy 

Customer-first strategy 

There is an old saying – Customer is King. The same principle works here, a digital marketing strategy should focus on building a strong connection with people, rather than focusing on money. Once the trust and connection are built, sales numbers are surely going to go up. Many companies gather huge data to understand their customer and then rule out ways to attract them.

The content that demonstrates the product may not score well among people, rather than selling a product or a service, marketers often sell an experience, they demonstrate how their product will make a difference in their life. When people know that the business cares about them, and the content is helping them, it is bound to be successful.

  • Possibly the only way to reach Gen- Z

Possibly the only way to reach Gen- Z

Gen- Z means the people who are in the age group of 6-24 as of 2021. People in this age group have never seen life without the internet. They have seen smartphones much earlier in their life. If anyone wants to grab the attention of this age group, one must advertise digitally. They would hardly pay any attention to radio ads or the ads in newspapers.

So, if your product or service targets this age group, digital marketing is possibly the only option. This age demographic is the largest generation of consumers, they have seen to be influencing the purchase decisions of their parents as well.

  • Video marketing – a powerful tool 

Video marketing – a powerful tool

With attention span reducing day by day, people want the content to be crisp and easy to consume. A marketer must develop content that is stuck in the memory of the viewer with the content of few seconds.

Around 92% of marketers use video content as a part of their digital marketing strategy. Video content helps attract lots of customers which in return results in higher conversion. Customer engagement is much higher in a video than in written content. Focus on a good mix of video and written content, to achieve the best results.

  • Interactive content is a popular Digital Marketing strategy 

Interactive content is a popular Digital Marketing strategy

New methods like online quizzes, polls, shoppable posts are often seen on social media these days, people love to give opinions and participate.

Interactive content should be a part of a digital marketing strategy, Marketers are getting creative to involve customers and develop a deeper connection with them

  • Focus on the message rather than platform 

Focus on the message rather than platform

Believe me, there is no set rule for the platform you publish on. A poorly planned content all most of the platform vs a good content on few platforms, the second one is likely to fare better. Different businesses have a different audience, for some Facebook will be an ideal choice, but for a few LinkedIn is more effective.

The key lies in finding where the customers are and following them there. The crux lies in mastering the content more than learning the tactic of the platform.

  • Design is equally important as the content 

Design is equally important as the content

Would you like an email, which is written in 3 different fonts and 4 different colours, maybe not? Even if the words are well put and grammatically correct, it would feel annoying to see the carelessness. The design has a similar importance.

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Marketers need to integrate their content into brilliant graphic designs. Having a good design will give credibility and demonstrate a professional image. Also, all of live a busy life, people may forget most of the things they see, a unique graphic design will give you more visibility to your audience.

  • Test as much as possible 

Test as much as possible

People are very keen these days to jump on the trends, but the same should not be applied to digital marketing. If something works for someone, it doesn’t need to work for you too. It does not mean that you should not evolve in your marketing strategy, but always tread with caution. It is very necessary to check before running any new thing.

  • Greatest success Digital Marketing Strategy. 

Greatest success Digital Marketing Strategy

All successful organizations around the world, align their digital marketing strategy with their purpose and values. Marketers of this organization stay true to their brand and communicate the same in every content they post be it a blog, video, or a simple tweet.

This strategy should be used by all organizations, no matter the size, brand, and budget.

Final Words

As mentioned at the beginning of the content, Digital marketing is always evolving, new tools come and go, marketers are required to do constant innovation and devise new tactics to be on top. Anyone who is in digital marketing will benefit by applying the above 10 things and I hope others had a good read.

Hi!! I am Ajay, and I’m a passionate blogger who loves to write about a variety of topics. I’m always eager to explore new ideas and share my thoughts with others.